I've seen it and it's a thumpin' good 'un - it's getting some duff reviews, but I think that's as a reaction to the fact that expectations after Casino Royale were extremely high - I think we need to remember how much better than some of the other Bond movies this new one is... go and see it, it's great!
The main thing I've missed in the Daniel Craig films is the delightful MI5 secretary and her flirty quips... even though she is daft enough to fantasize about James, I've always liked her character, especially Samantha Bond's more sassy incarnation.

This was a very quick pencil sketch that I threw some colour on in photoshop - it's a bit rough but I didn't want to get side tracked from the Dredd script too much more.
If you're wondering about this post's title, it's an Alan Partridge quote - Steve Coogan at his best...
cool. You do great girls. i am very jealous.
I think it was Samanthas "cunning linguist" line that endeared her to many :) Nice way to take the standard Bond subject... you could also have shown Alan Partridge as Bond... in a polo neck and canvas shoes. STOP GETTING BOND WRONG ;)
word verification: difyl (A welsh forename...?)
tee hee, cunning linguist was very silly but funny. i'm sure there is now a gangsta rap band called the cunning linguists who are responsible for some very colourful gems. love the sketch too. and alan as bond is almost too disturbing to contemplate...x
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