Thursday 20 November 2008

Drawer Geeks - Witch

I did this really quickly for DrawerGeeks.

I like some stuff about it, but the stiffness of that arm is really bugging me!


matt dawson said...

Is the arm a tad too short possibly...? Might it also be less 'stiff' to have the sleeve cuff fall back down her arm so you can see a graceful wrist/forearm (weird witch veins...?). Allied to this last maybe have the hand pose more 'spider like' with all fingers lower (possibly just the index extended...?) so that the line of the forearm peaks at the wrist then drops down along the hand...? For me I'd have stronger shadow behind her to emphasize the light source of her hocus pokery :) Very nice bold concept and she has a great spooky/sexy balance in her features.

Verification: revent: the act of unblocking the holes of a greasy kitchen extractor fan

Anonymous said...

i can't help but think of elvira. i've just found out who she is recently when my sis, pooh, was accused of being her.. she's not impressed but i thought it was hilarious.