Thursday 7 August 2008

Illustration Friday - "Poof"

On Saturday they were going to turn on The Large Hadron Collider. This is a massive particle accelerator which will be used to observe and study the smallest particles known to man...

There is some talk that they are going to use it to try to recreate the circumstances of the big bang!

There are mixed views of what actually turning it on will mean. With the scientists looking forward to seeing some results from the $ 8billion investment and other parties proclaiming that the world will be sucked into an artificially produced black hole...

I don't know much about the physics of this, but it sounds like a crazy sci-fi movie where these well-meaning boffins came up with an idea and just did it. You know, after realizing that they could do it, they didn't actually stop to consider if they actually should... and now we're all gonna die horribly or in this case vanish in a puff/poof of logic.

For more info on the LHC simply search 'Large Hadron Collider' into any good search engine... in some news reports it looks like they've postponed the apocalypse until 21st October now!


Bee said...

Great idea for an entry this week. These thoughts had crossed my mind to, I went to a talk at The Cheltenham Science Festival in June on the LHC and it was all fairly mind blowing.

matt dawson said...

Douglas Adams would approve of the subject matter... such a shame he's not about to react in his own inimitable way! Very nice take on the topic. Let us hope your not correct on this one... although if we've go to go it's better than wallowing in our own filth for a few more centuries...or will it only be decades...!

Lovely inks on the last post... these really lift the pencils, VERY pro job! You really have something worth all the expended effort... don't lose momentum. The finished work will be worth it sir!