These were some storyboards I did recently as a tryout for a media company... I reworked thumbnails from a storyboard for an advert that didn't get made. I had to keep quiet about these for a month or so but I think it's ok to show them now.
The idea was that this was the battle of Waterloo (or a pastiche of that battle) and the two generals/leaders rode out and had a bit of a verbal slanging match - much to their men's entertainment. Obviously the side that won was fuelled by some form of dutch courage (the beer that was trying to be marketed) or maybe that was simply the incentive or the spoils of victory...
Put simply, the generals assailed each other... or perhaps the Duke of Wellington ("There's only one way to win a war, Shout, Shout and SHOUT AGAIN! MEEAHH!" [Blackadder the Third]) assailed himself on Napoleon... Yeah, tenuous, I know.
The b&w panels took about 8hrs in total, hence why some of them a pretty rough, the final (larger) panel is a tidied up version of the soldiers done to show a more 'glossy' option for the ad company to sell their concept to the client and probably took another three of four to complete.
good grief... Now that is a collection of work. Good work man. Very good work.
MEEAHH Excellent storyboard Kevadder! Y'know I like these Kev, you've really got the storyboard touch. Whether or not that agency knows they are on to a good thing or not this is excellent practice for your comic book sequences! Good work adding the Blackadder link, I'll have to watch some of the Blackadder unseen goodies to be found on youtube!
Some lovely line & rendering as always in the Taormina latest & a fantastic new colour banner for the blog, the artwork really works well in that muted earth tones palette... is this a hint of some colour work with Taormina (plulp cover perchance...?).
PS. I deleted then reattached this comment in case you're wondering, my shoddy typing needed correcting so this would make sense!
Wow - "sail" or "assail", these are wonderful.
Excellent work!
this is just great, i really like it!
I'm blown away. This is just superb!
*I like this kind of war where the leaders as*sail*ed each other vocally. :)
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