I've pretty much done roughs for all the pages now. I'm working slightly differently with this - I've done really, really rough thumbnails to sort the panel layouts and then I've made a template sheet that I've printed out on file paper. I'm working at 80% printed size and will blow it up in photoshop to work at 133% printed as an underlay for the final, hopefully tightened up pencils (I may elect to eliminate inking but I'm not sure at the moment).
PJ Holden has already given me some pointers on this page, mainly he thinks I need some establishing information in there. I'm grateful that he's taken the time again to help encourage my endeavour, as I know he has with other aspiring comic artists.
From a quick search on 2000AD review I found that the story was already published in prog 1467 and was written by Robbie Morrison and originally drawn by Richard Elson. Thankfully I didn't see anything that has affected the way I'm approaching the script.
Judge Dredd © 2008 Rebellion Developments/2000AD
That's fanttastic, man!
Best of luck!
Is it okay if I add your blog onto my blog links?
Stephen, thanks.
Please feel free to add me to your links, thanks!
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