We went in and to my surprise, I couldn't have been closer to the panel! Matt Smith (current embodiment of Tharg), Pat Mills and Robbie Morrison all but a few feet away. Dave Gibbons was ill and couldn't be there, which was a shame, I just hope it was nothing too serious and that he gets well soon!
The panel discussed what has made 2000AD so great for so long and what made Judge Dredd the Movie so awful and amongst other things they gave brilliant incites into the comic and what lies at its heart. All seemed incredibly pleasant and answered questions on a multitude of subjects, there was talk of Shaun of the Dead and how Edgar Wright would make a brilliant director for a movie based on one of the characters! Serendipitous again, I thought!
I asked a question - won a T-shirt and at the end of the evening I was able to ask Matt Smith to look at my samples...

He was kind enough to take a peek and seemed to quite like my cover pin-up (see last post) and he scanned through the other 6 pages with a keen eye. Despite the freshly dried ink on page two and barely finished pencils (on this the first comic art I have ever really done) there were only a few comments he levelled at me...
He thought that I needed to pay a little more attention to my figures - feeling that some of them were a little stiff. Overall he thought my inking was quite nice too but that my pencils could use some work... skipping back to front he took in the cover once more and pronounced that he thought it was a good Dredd! He also suggested that I send in for a sample script from them to try out on! The sae is in the post!
I'll finish up the pages I've already been working on, and try to improve on the things Matt suggested. I'll probably re-draw a couple of panels on pages one and two, maybe even re-work them totally at the end. For now, I think it's important to not lose momentum so I will carry on with page three!
Absolutely love your blog!
Thanks for leaving a comment on mine. It's appreciated.
Got yourself a gig drawing for 2000ad, huh?
That's brilliant news, I'm so pleased he's asked to see more and that he liked what he saw. Fingers crossed...
Good to get your stuff out there, I'm just marginally familiar with Dred, but I know it's hard to put comic pages together, these look really good!
Thanks for the comments everyone. Much appreciated!
I hope I haven't mis-represented the level of success...
It's positive that I didn't get more criticism but he might have just been being nice... I'm by no means going to earn money from this just yet.
Positive mental attitude time - watch this space!!
Nice write up Sir! Congrats on showing your stuff to Tharg - he's a hard man (alien?) to please. I had exactly the same comment from him, that my characters are a little stiff - I've been working on that.
Good luck with the sample script, Matt sent me one called "Gun Runners" that I did 4 pages from. Keep at it, hope to see you (and me!) in 2000AD sometime soon!!!
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