Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Superman : Man of Style!

I found a great website called Project Rooftop via drawingboard that holds regular redesign contests. This month sees Superman's 70th birthday! He doesn't look bad for an old fella, does he? Anyway, the brief was to re-design his outfit...

01 02
03 04

I wanted to streamline the suit, get rid of the cape which I always felt would bunch-up and give Clark a hunchback when he wore his civilian clothes. Once I had done that there was the issue of colour, I wanted to see the traditional colours (01) in order to judge my other treatments against it. Firstly I went all X-men and Batman black and rubbery (02), then I tried hinting at the old Kryptonite (03) but in the end I liked the cooler, de-saturated feel (04).

I also redesigned the logo, well in marketing terms I think they call this a refresh!

For a comparison to the traditional Super-suit please take another look at my other Superman illustration: Superman's Dilemma

I had a great time doing this but in the end, Superman is just fine as he is, roll on another 70 years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev, liking the refresh. My favourate costume is the kryptonite get-up. The colours of the old costume are left over from when printing methods dictated much of the pallet that the colourist had to use. Back then it worked to have the hero in bright, clean colours, but now we're so much more flexible, and, I think, have more subtle tastes.

Your de-saturated is my second fave.