I'm really happy with this page, it feels much more professional and it's taken me less time too.
Approximate times (ignoring the previous version of page three):
sketching for reworked page and rough pencils: 2.5 hrs
tightened pencils at A3: 3 hrs
inking: 5.5 hrs
I'm not sure whether that's good or not time-wise but if I use that as a guide, roughly 11 hrs, (let's say) per page to get to finished inks, that means I can very nearly do four pages in a (40 hr) week (dependent upon the complexity being of a similar standard). I think that I've been working on these samples for about four weeks which is pretty slow, unless you take into account a about a week where I wasn't working on it for various reasons and also that I've coloured four out of six pages too.
I don't know what to do with that information. I don't think that my speed (or slowness) is out of the ordinary for comic art.
A typical 2000AD deadline is about two weeks. Sometimes more, occasionally less (though if it's less it's only after you've really proved yourself).
I always say: aim for a page a day pencils/inks and you'll be alright.
- pj
that poor soul being hit in the face, how much would that hurt? it looks great...x
Great samples Kev, let us know how you get on with Tharg!
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