Page one pencils. I've taken a while over each panel on the first page. Probably longer than I should have, but logically, this will be the first page of sequential art that will feature in my portfolio - so it really needs to be a good strong page.

I hope
this is a strong page...
i like it. just a couple of thoughts that spring to mind seeing the whole thing set-up. you mentioned in one of your earlier posts on the first script you did that the published version had lots of great futuristic gadgets that set the scene really nicely. maybe it might be worth adding something to the office that goes with the robot (who i love, especially his little prinstripes)? you could do it in the penultimate panel as that is less busy than the others and might not need too much fiddling. also, as this is a sequential piece, maybe it would be worth thinking about making the guy crossing the road the same as the one who actually goes into the office? the scene setting is great but it would thread the first two panels together using more than the window sign. these are just teeny-tiny things though and the piece looks great without reworking. xxx
amazing! I love the guy behind the desk...robot? (sorry I am not a comic book artist) but I totally appreciate them!
it IS a strong page. I see where Qualia (hi there by the way) is coming from but in my humble opinion I think detailing in panel 4 would just mute what you already have... my only comment would be that on this panel I would watch out for the negative space occupied by the robots hand/arm under the guys arm. For me I'd want the robot thumb/hand separate from the side of the guy's shirt (or alternatively right over it...). Also, for me this is... I'd put the guy's other hand down a bit so it occupies the negative space under the robots arm... and lose the picture on the wall. All that might be me being far too picky though :) A thougth for panel 1. I did original think the chap on the crossing was the main guy. I see that this isn't the case but maybe you might consider giving the 'abbey road' chap him green hair or similar to strongly show he isn't the main guy with a coat on...? Lovely stuff sir!!!
matt's (hello there) suggestions are far better than mine. but, as i said before, it looks great regardless.
Your comic-art's looking really impressive Kev. Since I'm no artist then a lot of the subtle stuff passes me by but visually your page is very dynamic (particularly like the top panel as I find street shots and incidental cultural refs fascinating). Love the dimensions though personally find the expression in the end panel a little ambiguous; yet once the speech bubbles are added I'm sure it'll make more sense. Keep up the wonderful work!!!
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