After asking Richard whether he thought it was worth learning how to use Sketchup, (a resounding yes), I decided I would spend a bit of time trying to get to grips with it. There are some limitations but I managed to build Judge Dredd's Lawmaster (his bike) and I'm not unhappy with the results... I will build a few other things and hopefully it will help greatly with that Dredd strip I'm doing for Zarjaz with Lee Robson.
I have to say, I'm thoroughly impressed with sketchup and for a FREE and EASY 3D package I can see no downside, especially when you can export animations that you can use to show others around the models you have built. So, can I recommend it? On Monday I had no idea how to create things in 3D that I could then use to plan scenes and things... and now I have a new and powerful tool in my skill set! So, I can strongly recommend it, well worth the time spent I think!
Cool Lawmaster, bro!
Wow Kev, that's AWESOME! I've been thinking abt getting Sketch-Up under my belt for a while now. I want to use it for sets and vehicles for MPF, which I've kick-started again as a comic (with the help of Pete and Gary). If you can learn to make that in less than a week, then I've got no excuses not to learn it myself.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Thats look great Kev! must check it out myself...
I've had Google Sketch-Up on my computer for months and have done nothing with it. Your Lawmaster is fantastic, Kev. As Philip said, thanks for the inspiration. I must try my hand at it now (if I can find the time). Cheers.
Mate, that is fantastic! That is gonna help you out so much as that bike is a bastard to draw freehand.
I've only dabbled in Sketchup so I feel pretty crippled when using it. I've only used it for the most rudimentary stuff, like setting up a scene in blocks, just to help out with perspective.
Did you follow some tutorials to get started?
I followed a few tutorials... then it's really a case of mucking about an finding how to do various things.
Looks really great!
I made some practice with GSU myself and agree with you - useful and funny tool for comic artists.
Btw I like the combination of classic drawing and 3D skill in your blog!
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